A Good Man's Heart
Good men do not reveal their hearts in advance of your love, admiration, and demonstrated willingness to delight in him.
If you are withholding admiration and delight for a man who immediately shows his heart, you will not see it in great men.
You may find the men who are led by emotion and whose circumstances reliably collapse underneath them.
No condemnation of these men—they are on a sacred journey. They are simply not your husband.
Great men do not wear their hearts on their sleeves.
They go about protected that WE might be safe.
They are firmness in service to holding and inviting our softness, and the softness of all life.
When we are their sanctuary, they lay down their arms.
So our discernment is, how do I find a man whose protective presentation is one I love, admire, and delight in, to the extent that being his sanctuary is natural to me? How do I ensure he feels the sanctuary I represent?
Whose leadership do I so admire that I desire to reflect admiration and desire to follow that leadership? What man do I so admire that I desire to share the sanctuary *i already am* with him?
Rather than requiring some man to call me to the beingness of sanctuary with HIS worthiness—how do I be there FOR ME?
How do I come to value the protective and outer-facing qualities which signal a right-hearted man?
How do I see the way the values of my softness are reflected in the values of his hardness?
How do I connect the dots, first within myself, and then in communication with him, about how our different presentations weave the integrity of a LIVED value-system in the world?