So many people come to me and claim they want adoration.
Most of them are also quite willing to acknowledge how uncomfortable they are with receiving.
We are all taught to shrug off our discomfort, we are taught to treat it as nothing, a simple yet innate block. Surely something so simple, so outside our purview, will move on its own, over time.
But receiving is a skill with technique, and receiving is a step beyond openness, which is also a skill with a technique. (Again, one people are happy to tell me they lack, with the same nonchalance and resignation as they say, "alas, I have straight hair.")
Adoring is also a skill with a technique.
Adoration is a hot hot heat; without skill and technique, adoration becomes injurious to all parties.
“I want adoration, but not like THAT.”
When adoration comes clean and true, it's still a hot hot heat. The technique of receiving adoration in particular means navigating Grief Gate 2, The Places That Have Not Known Love.
Adoration of all of you means adoration of the parts of you ignored and reviled, first by others and then by yourself.
That means your own supposed "worst" quality, on display to the most important person in your world.
Can you imagine believing someone would love that aspect which everyone you've ever shown it to hated?
Can you imagine believing someone cares about the parts of you that nobody thinks are important?
Can you imagine believing that a part you have NEVER showed to anyone for fear of how terrible it is, might be loved by one who adores you?
This is the hot hot heat of adoration, and as an adorer, I can tell you: it is not for everyone.
It freaks the motherfreakers right out.
a fellow adorer CAN ATTEST (it freaks those mfs right out!)