The earth is habitable for humans.
The earth was not designed for humans.
Parts of the earth are supremely unfriendly to humans.
You are here in a human body, one with limitations and preferences.
It is natural that things often do not go your way.
You are able to inhabit this earth. You have the capabilities required to find a life for yourself, a space for your body, you maintain the conditions of your survival.
And one day you cannot, and you die.
None of this promises to be friendly. Nobody says you will like it all of the time, or even ANY of the time.
It was not designed for you.
You are the one who has cultivated your exact way of inhabiting it.
You are the only one who can design it and live it according to your specifications.
This is why you have free will, and what it amounts to, and the way you cannot not be executing on it in all moments.
What of this vast earth will you serve yourself
and how will you experience
that which you choose
and that which you would never have chosen, but finds you here, nonetheless?