Not Enough
An essential part of living the truth that I am the one for them is understanding, pleasantly, that nothing I do is good enough for them.
I am the one to know I can never be enough for them. I am the one to be comfortable with this and to hold the truth of it, to agree, pleasantly, when they notice how I am not enough.
If I try to be enough, we all suffer.
If I recognize that the ways in which I cannot be enough are keeping space for their sacred sovereign will, choice, agility, agency, and existential pain, then it is good news indeed, that I cannot be enough.
Knowing what I know about the way I am the one for me, the way I feel the freedom in being the one for me, how could I want to remove this from them? How could I deprive them of the experience of being the one for them?
When I am simply present with my loved one, I am not concerned with being enough for them.
I am being what I am. My enoughness or not-enoughness is not a material crisis, it is their subjective evaluation influenced by many factors.
I simply am what I am and I am not what I am not. They simply are free to choose what feels worthy to them. The light of this truth is comfortable and soothing. It is what is.