Playful Subversion
There are many corners of the internet now, claiming violence is subversive. But revolution is yet another turn around the same old cycle.
At this point, the most subversive thing we can do is truly play in the mundane here and now.
I'm talking actual subversion—the refusal to engage with or acknowledge the threat whatsoever, such that we are impervious to control.
Play is a state which is impervious to control, and it is evidence that we have exited the control-matrix, evidence that we are following the authority of life herself.
When we are in a state of play, the control matrix is a play structure rather than a cage. It is yet more material for play, it is a structure providing for opportunities to play.
Play is innate to humanity. If we are able to embody a true state of play and meet opposition to play with more play, we have a high chance of garnering opt-in from others.
Play creates an action-potential of goodwill.
Play is as innate to others as it is to us, it is as compelling, as joyful, as sweet and easy for them as it is for us, and when we embody it powerfully, we invite and permit them into play. This creates joyful collaboration rather than coerced or convinced participation.
This is a state which cannot be faked, but it can become real through faking it, as it can become real in a million different other ways.