There is a technology I call Union, in which I make the most out of being more than one.
I enter cocreational partnership with what is apart from me, joining with what is apart from me to participate in, create, and create as a larger whole.
This is the physics of a whole which is larger than the sum of its parts—being larger than the sum of its parts, it must contain the ENTIRE wholeness of each part, as well as the repercussions of every part on every other part.
In a high-tech dyad, we make the most out of being two people.
In a high-tech team, we make the most out of being more than two people.
In a high-tech village, we make the most out of being hundreds and thousands of people.
It all begins with bringing our entire selves into the interaction, being whole in ourselves. It requires the empowerment of welcoming every emotional experience so that we aren't asking others to carry the load we perceive ourselves to be, and perceive as too much for ourselves. This ask is the first step of enmeshment, of collapse, of two parts combining to create a smaller whole—inchoative entropy.
Applying relentless personal empowerment, I've found myself inevitably in devotional partnership in so many fractals. It always tastes the same—it tastes like someone’s unique flavor I genuinely like. It tastes like sparkling creation. It tastes like every delicious thing, and it does not stop me from tasting the bitter things.
Immediately it has me wanting more of how they live, wanting to integrate with them based on the seamless compatibility of our lives and values—inchoative growth.
It's a here and now yearning and practice loop, wherein I've been informed about the status of their life, and I see how I can intrude in service. It is small actions of devotion, so devoted I try to go unnoticed.
It is life dreams that coincide, what matter is it the DNA of the children we will all birth? It is having their children as my own children, unpreventable parentage, the same way my sister’s children will someday be, and be irrevocably mine, OF me in a way wholly apart from how they are of her.
The way our lives are compatible simply goes on, changes forms, iterates through others. The wholeness of life is a wholeness of self and a wholeness of other and a wholeness of dyad and a wholeness of networked dyads.
It all begins with personal empowerment.