The problem with earning is that it works.
It HAS TO WORK because you are guaranteed to receive in every single way you are open to receive.
But it seems like it works because earning is required. You decided to earn because you were told that's how recieving works, then you receive only from earning and reinforce the exclusive link between earning and receiving.
Earning is just one way we open a channel for our own receiving. It's a way to achieve the sense of worthiness required to occupy the state of receiving.
Earning is how we manage the dissonance that arises when we perceive lack in an infinite field. It's how we validate a claim to which we have no right at all, and tragically lose our sense of the magic and miracle that is every single instance of receiving.
Earning chokes our receiving down to one small, manageable channel. Just enough lack to keep us as hungry as we think we need to be to strive on.
The problem with earning, be it love or money, is that you are an infinite receiver, an infinite receptacle, and your resources of love and money and other forms of wealth are constantly knocking on your door. You could not possibly only EARN what is coming for you, but you can block it if you insist on receiving only what you earn.
Your earning cannot make you worthy any more than not earning could make you unworthy.
Worthiness is no matter here, it's only a posture, that I will have the audacity to bring my vessel under the waterfall and drink my fill, take all I can carry for later, return when I fancy.
I am equally worthy and unworthy, humiliatingly, undeservingly blessed. Will I allow the experience of that?
How many postures of receiving will I hone with skill and technique, in the vain hope to waste as little as possible of the bounties of this
and only