A life attached to projections is a life of yeses and nos.
As I form a projection and attach to it, I cultivate an expectation.
When I hold an expectation, even so mild as a hope, I experience the duality that I either get what I want or do not get what I want.
The unfolding of reality either "goes right" or "goes wrong," and my emotional experience hinges on these evaluations.
When I experience that reality is aligning with my story, it's going right, and the fact that my emotional experience hinges on this evaluation means I am having a WONDERFUL experience. This is the thing I'm so attached to—getting what I want AND being right? That is a powerful emotional cocktail.
When I experience that reality is not aligning with my story, it's going wrong, and the fact that my emotional experience hinges on this evaluation means I have a terrible time in my head and barely any time at all in reality. I leave reality in order to tell a story of my own disappointment. I have even seen myself bypass something BETTER than I imagined because it was not *exactly* what I imagined.
A life of expectations is a life of evaluations, a life of events, successes and failures, an exhausting tally.
A life of emergence is happening, and I'm experiencing what's happening. It is a symphony without beginning or end, a weaving of sound and silence with a particular rhythm and melody in any given moment. It is a river running, each bit going somewhere, flowing in a direction, while the whole ribbon overlays the land.
No, I've found I do not need to make decisions, nor evaluations. I do not need to revisit or revise the past. I can always be right here with the moment, the rain outside, my blankets crunching clean.